After well over 250 professional and educational theatre productions, I began work as a playwright only a few years before retirement. Since then, my plays have been published, anthologized, read, and performed in high schools, colleges, and professional theatres across the nation and around the world
It began with ARE YOU IN EARNEST, based upon Wilde, published by Heuer. THEY COME AND COME was performed at the Metropolitan Playhouse in New York City while WE ARE NOT ANIMALS played Cultural DC’s Source Festival in Washington. SOME ENCHANTED EVENING appeared at NY's 92Y, AMONG THE QUICK AND THE DEAD premiered in Kentucky and also played Chicago. Two series of short plays, SHORT AND SWEET and 10 MINUTES TO FAME also found production. A PASSING MOMENT was a finalist in the Kentucky Theatre Association's Roots of the Bluegrass festival and was published by Heartland Plays. MANDALA, about texting while driving, was included in 25 10-Minute Plays For Teens . A play for families, SPECIAL, was included in the Best 5-Minute Plays for Teens. (both Applause Books) WC (war crimes) won the 2016 Roots of the Bluegrass.
CHANGES had two readings in NYC - including one at the Dramatists Guild Foundation. The short play LOVELY YOUNG CHILDREN was included in the Federal Theatre Project's One Year Later: Civic Engagement in the Era of Trump. And that's just the beginning! Watch for more!!
Michael Durkin in THEY COME AND COME, Metropolitan Playhouse
Playwright Bio